Case of the Mondays....On Tuesday
I am just a worthless pile today. Ever have those days where you just don't FEEL LIKE doing your stuff at work?? I mean, I like my job mostly and do have really productive days to make up for bad Tuesdays, but it always makes me wonder what job is out there for me that will excite in, I'll WANT to do the work b/c it's fun. Do you think anyone gets paid to Blog?? Is there anyway to become Genevieve's (from Trading Spaces) decorating partner w/out having any design training?? She *is* from Minnesota...Must find her e-mail address. Another fun job would be designing advertisements & stuff...I should have gone into graphic design. I thought my public relations major would lead to a career in event planning (including the design of brochures, invitations, etc.), but....that....didn' UGH. Career Counselor, help!! Oh well - at least I do like my current job - just don't really feel like I was "meant" to do it. Does anyone??
I already worked in non-profit fundraising (at my alma mater). The politics in a non-profit, especially a university, are unbearable. You tend to start thinking of benefactor dinners as, "I have to work on Saturday night." It wasn't that all.
Kiddo78, at 5:02 PM
I know I'm not meant to do my current job. It makes me way too crabby to be my life's ambition.
hot babe, at 10:38 AM
You totally beat me to a blogging for money post!It would be a complete professional passion!I always have a fantasy I am a voice over actor.Or moviephone guys sister.I am one of those people who re do my anwsering machine message for a hour and a half untill my voice is the perfect combo of friendly/sexy.You have reached 425-**** (just in case of stalkers who blog) plllease leave your name after the sound of the tone...have a great day Beeeep.
Unknown, at 4:44 PM
You totally beat me to a blogging for money post!It would be a complete professional passion!I always have a fantasy I am a voice over actor.Or moviephone guys sister.I am one of those people who re do my anwsering machine message for a hour and a half untill my voice is the perfect combo of friendly/sexy.You have reached 425-**** (just in case of stalkers who blog) plllease leave your name after the sound of the tone...have a great day Beeeep.
Unknown, at 4:44 PM
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