Showtime Marathon
This weekend was all about recovery. I watched at least 10 episodes of "Queer as Folk" on DVR and several "Sex and the City" too. Someone told me that if you subscribe to Showtime already, that includeds being able to watch unlimited Showtime ON DEMAND too. I hope so, otherwise my Time Warner bill will be a treat next month.
Wow - I'm productive. However, I did make my Target run and was surprised to find a 6' fake Xmas tree that didn't look too bad, so decided to try it out. That was the end of Saturday productivity. Oh - got my hair cut too, which I think was bad for my scalp since I feel like it was doused with acid.
Then I made the *smart* decision to get out of the house and walked to a neighborhood bar for "special" people. It was packed, so I didn't have anywhere to even stand. I gagged down a beer and pretended that I was checking my messages while people looked at me like, "Is he alone?? Why is he just standing there in the middle of everything?" I left hoping they assumed I got stood-up. That's sad to think people would rather you got stood-up than go to a special bar alone. But, that's reality in my world when you don't really know anyone of my persuasion. So, I decided I couldn't stand to go back to the couch and I walked all the way across downtown to another, more exciting, bar of my variety. The Bolt. Yeah, as soon as I walked in I just wanted to bolt. It was hotter than hell and crowded like that too. Thankfully I found a small open space at the bar and was able to stand there to gag down a cocktail. This little guy next to me, though, was totally using up more of my space than he needed to, so kept bumping in to me. I couldn't even give him a dirty look b/c all I could see was the top of his short, stupid head. THEN, this younger guy I met out once before started yelling my name across the crowded, loud bar. I looked at him like, "Huh??" And his friends were smirking at me like, "Who the hell is he...?" I just said, "I don't think I know you" b/c it was embarrassing. Later I told him, "thanks for embarrassing me in front of your friends..." and left. God, people are stupid.
So then yesterday was more of the Q as F marathon. I rearranged furniture to make room for the tree and set that up too. Guess I can throw some lights on it tonight, but I'm not really feeling very jolly or merry. Maybe the Xmas CDs will help!
Wow - I'm productive. However, I did make my Target run and was surprised to find a 6' fake Xmas tree that didn't look too bad, so decided to try it out. That was the end of Saturday productivity. Oh - got my hair cut too, which I think was bad for my scalp since I feel like it was doused with acid.
Then I made the *smart* decision to get out of the house and walked to a neighborhood bar for "special" people. It was packed, so I didn't have anywhere to even stand. I gagged down a beer and pretended that I was checking my messages while people looked at me like, "Is he alone?? Why is he just standing there in the middle of everything?" I left hoping they assumed I got stood-up. That's sad to think people would rather you got stood-up than go to a special bar alone. But, that's reality in my world when you don't really know anyone of my persuasion. So, I decided I couldn't stand to go back to the couch and I walked all the way across downtown to another, more exciting, bar of my variety. The Bolt. Yeah, as soon as I walked in I just wanted to bolt. It was hotter than hell and crowded like that too. Thankfully I found a small open space at the bar and was able to stand there to gag down a cocktail. This little guy next to me, though, was totally using up more of my space than he needed to, so kept bumping in to me. I couldn't even give him a dirty look b/c all I could see was the top of his short, stupid head. THEN, this younger guy I met out once before started yelling my name across the crowded, loud bar. I looked at him like, "Huh??" And his friends were smirking at me like, "Who the hell is he...?" I just said, "I don't think I know you" b/c it was embarrassing. Later I told him, "thanks for embarrassing me in front of your friends..." and left. God, people are stupid.
So then yesterday was more of the Q as F marathon. I rearranged furniture to make room for the tree and set that up too. Guess I can throw some lights on it tonight, but I'm not really feeling very jolly or merry. Maybe the Xmas CDs will help!
Sounds like Thurs night ruined you for the rest of the weekend. At least you ventured out. I spent most of the rest of the weekend on my couch or at the dining room table in front of my laptop. I envy your horrid times at the bar.
And how dare that young guy speak to you like that in public! Doesn't he know you're a Kennedy?!?
hot babe, at 10:33 AM
Hmmm, from what I understood, Showtime on Demand was an extra monthly fee above and beyond the normal Showtime fees, but I guess I'm not postive. Let me know if it ends up being free after all, because I'd like to take advantage of that as well.
dan, at 12:52 PM
:( Sorry you are not feeling merry and feeling acid-scalpy besides.
Sounds like you got the same tree that my sister got at Target! I'm working up to negotiate my husband into us getting one, since he resists anything that takes up too much space in the apartment. I think we will probably end up with the usual 1 foot tree again.
Christine, at 2:54 PM
what time did you go to the bar? Maybe you should go a bit earlier. I hate crowded bars, too. And I always meet interesting people earlier. Crowded bars are only fun if you have a good buzz and/or are with someone. Out of curiosity, what is the gay scene like in Minneapolis?
Bob, at 7:25 PM
I kind of thought if you had to pay for it, something would prompt you to say "You will be charged $3.95" or whatever and it never says that...we'll find out!
Things are merrier, Christine! I set up my tree last night...will take a pic w/ my crummy phone and post it. I need a digital camera...But, all it takes is one little corner of the room. Not much space at all. You should try one!
Rob't, the gay scene in Minneapolis is very similar to Chicago (I interned there for four months) -- we don't have our own gay district here, but the bars are similar and the people are the same. Probably not as many bars, either, but still this scene reminds me a lot of how it was in Chicago.
Kiddo78, at 2:49 PM
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